Harnessing the Power of Rainbows: 7 Chakra Reiki Healing Necklace

Harnessing the Power of Rainbows: 7 Chakra Reiki Healing Necklace

Posted by Morgan on Jun 29th 2023

In our dynamic world, it is essential to find ways to restore and support balance and harmony within ourselves.chakra-energy-centers.

In the realm of spiritual practices, Reiki and crystal healing have been gaining popularity for their effects on overall well-being. These ancient practices acknowledge the power of energy and the influence it has on our physical, emotional, and spiritual states. This Rainbow 7 Chakra Reiki Healing Necklace, created lovingly with genuine gemstone beads, is intended to serve as a tangible connection to these practices.

Let’s explore the metaphysical properties, spiritual benefits, chakra associations, and birthstone connections within the realm of Reiki and crystal healing.

What is Reiki and Crystal Healing:

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that operates on the belief that a universal life force energy flow within and around us. Reiki practitioners channel this energy to promote healing, relaxation, and overall balance. Crystal healing, on the other hand, involves utilizing the unique properties of gemstones to restore energetic imbalances and enhance well-being. Believers in these practices understand that each crystal possesses its own vibrational frequency, which can interact with our energetic fields to bring about positive changes.

gemstones and chakra associations and chakra functionsMetaphysical Properties and Spiritual Benefits:

The Rainbow 7 Chakra Reiki Healing Necklace combines the power of Reiki and crystal healing, offering a multitude of metaphysical properties and spiritual benefits

  • Energy Alignment: The gemstone beads representing each chakra resonate with the body's energy centers, promoting alignment, balance, and the free flow of energy.
  • Emotional Healing: The gemstones' individual properties work together to support emotional healing, enhancing qualities like stability, creativity, confidence, love, communication, intuition, and spiritual connection.
  • Spiritual Growth: This necklace is intended to invite a deeper spiritual connection and encourage personal growth, self-discovery, and an expanded consciousness.

Chakra Associations and Birthstone Connections:

The Rainbow 7 Chakra Reiki Healing Necklace represents the seven main chakras, each associated with specific colors and aspects of our being. In addition, the birthstone associations add a personal touch, allowing individuals to explore their chakra imbalances or focus on enhancing specific aspects of their lives:

  • Root Chakra - Ruby: Stability, grounding, and a sense of security. -July
  • Sacral Chakra - Orange Hessonite Garnet: Creativity, passion, and vitality. -January
  • Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow Jade: Personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. -March
  • Heart Chakra - Green Chrome Diopside: Love, compassion, and emotional healing. -None
  • Throat Chakra - Aquamarine: Communication, self-expression, and speaking one's truth. -March
  • Third Eye Chakra - Lapis Lazuli: Intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight. -September
  • Crown Chakra - Amethyst: Spiritual growth, higher consciousness, and connection to the divine. -February

Diversity and Acceptance:gfn-chakra-multi-blog.jpg

This Rainbow 7 Chakra Reiki Healing Necklace serves as a beautiful symbol of diversity and acceptance. Just as each chakra and gemstone holds its unique qualities, so do individuals. This necklace is intended to encourage embracing our differences and recognizing the beauty of diversity in all aspects of life. It serves as a gentle reminder that we are all interconnected and should celebrate the richness of our individuality.

The Rainbow 7 Chakra Reiki Healing Necklace is intended to combine the ancient practices of Reiki and crystal healing.

The power of spiritual jewelry lies in the person's belief and intention. That belief may enhance their energy, healing power, and actualization.

*Please note that information regarding the metaphysical properties of gemstones is for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to treat or prevent disease, diagnose, or replace professional medical advice.